Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Gregs Red Bull marketing blog

"Red Bull Gives You Wings"

Red Bull is an Australian energy drink company that has been around since the late 1980's. If you ask anyone you know I guarantee they will have have tried a Red Bull or at least heard of the company. This means Red Bull has established total dominance in the energy drink field. This company makes a giant portion of their money through selling individual cans of Red Bull, but also sells memorabilia such as hats, hoodies, shirts etc. Red Bull's biggest topic I want to cover is how they market and advertise their company through commercials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRF5MlYbtzg (video 1).   In video number one this shows a Red Bull advertisement shown during X-games 2016, as well as on their website and on certain you tube ads. This promo is just simply showing extreme sports where the athletes are wearing Red Bull logos all over their gear. Not once does this ad show the athletes drinking the beverage. It isn't until the very end of the ad where they flash a screen of the the can for about a second and a half. This shows how much dominance this company has because they don't even have to show off their drink to advertise what the sell. Red Bull is going in a good direction advertising this way.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBcelTVSFwQ  (video 2). Video number two shows another ad campaign Red Bull has ran, but they went a completely different way. These advertisements went for more of a "cartoony"  comedic appeal, in where there are normal dogs and then a certain dog drinks Red Bull and grows wings and flies away. This commercial was targeted to a younger age range. I feel like this was a bad way to advertise their drink because it could easily get bad feed back. This ad campaign seems to be targeting children, which might work but will ultimately back fire because companies can get sued and get in trouble for stuff like this. I like the adrenaline pumping, fast paced, extreme sports ad campaign a lot better. Those ads made me want to get up and do something, but that's hard to do with minimal energy, so guess what energy beverage I wanted to drink was.

https://www.redbull.com/us-en/ ( Official Red Bull site )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRF5MlYbtzg&t=1s (video 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBcelTVSFwQ (video 2)